The Gym in Westminster: Old. School. Gym.
Stop in during staffed hours to get started! Mornings Mon through Sat: 930 to noon, Evenings Mon through Fri 330-630.

Stop in during staffed hours to get started! Mornings Mon through Sat: 930 to noon, Evenings Mon through Fri 330-630.
One time $30 Enrollment
One time $30 enrollment.
Includes member, spouse, and 2 dependents under 21 (excludes kid zone). All must live at same address.
Each additional dependent under 21:
$15/month with $10 enrollment.
Kid zone is an additional $15 per child/month, or $5 daily drop in.
Unlimited monthly classes
One Time 30.00 Enrollment Fee
One Time 30.00 Enrollment
Available during Staffed Hours Only
Day Pass drop in $10
Staffed Hours Only
Staffed Hours Only
Staffed Hours Only
Looking for help achieving YOUR goals, Contact us for in house trainers pricing. From learning the basics to specialized sports specific training, we have you covered. Have a trainer you currently work with, please contact us for information.